Wednesday, September 28, 2022

Politics Corner September 28th


Via Visit Milwaukee 

Ian disrupted the House select committee's planned hearing and yet everyone was yelling about the White House press corps yelling. I care about the people who are displaced by Ian. I don't give a shit about the children who don't belong in the press corps to begin with.

Via Giphy

Diamond Joe is pushing to end hunger. He just might do it. Or at least make a measurable difference. [Associated Press]

Via Associated Press

They still get the numbers wrong. It's the 0.01% not the 1% but gist of it's true. The richest people own almost everything while the bottom half -that's billions of people - own almost nothing. [Common Dreams]

I think we need to ask Campbell's to stop selling Chunky Soup to Ted Cruz. [Texas Tribune]

Political discussion welcome.

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