Wednesday, August 17, 2022

Politics Corner August 17th


Via Visit Milwaukee

The CDC is going to radically change its structure to fix problems with their response to COVID. I don't know what they could have done better with Trump as President. If nearly anyone else had been President there wouldn't be a bully bellowing about how everything the CDC says is wrong. [NBC]

Via Washington Post
The Federal Reserve Board will keep coming after your pocketbook until you stop spending. [CNBC]

Via Wikipedia

ex-VP and January 6th survivor said he would "consider" talking to the House select committee if "ever any formal invitation rendered to us." What's with the royal we Mikey? You had one of two roles on January 6th. You lucked out of being a victim which makes you a witness. [ABC]

Via Tenor

I'm not fond of the idea of Liz Cheney running for President. It took far too long for her "come to Jesus" moment and she has a long despicable history including throwing her own sister under the bus over same-sex marriage. Even Darth Cheney supported his other daughter's rights. But if she keeps Trump that much further from the White House? Well it would be easier to survive than another four years of Trump. [NPR]


Political discussion welcome.

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