Sunday, June 5, 2022

Politics Corner June 5th

Via Visit Milwaukee

Okay, I'm full of enough Pride for another year. This year I got something I didn't ever expect. The guy who is kind of the linchpin of one of my social circles once dated my best friend and one thing that we agree upon is that my friend was a terrible boyfriend. But I've always been tarred by association. Worse? He and my current (22 years!) guy clash. Everybody wants to be the alpha except me because I couldn't give a shit. So tonight it was his birthday and we arranged for a table and got an announcement where they got his name completely wrong. But the big thing was I actually got to talk to him. It's taken decades. I don't even know how to phrase this but he was probably the one good boyfriend that my friend had and he probably should have been dating me but I was stuck on the wrong guy. Life is complicated. So when I got to actually talk to this guy it filled a spot that I don't know if I even knew was missing. I've lost lots of friends over the years. But this was the friend that I've never forgiven. I can't. I was the last one but he locked me out at the end. He wanted to die alone. I can respect that. Doesn't mean I can live with it. I know that I got so much more out of our conversation than he did; It was probably just another friendly talk but for me it was an echo that was huge.

photo mine

Political discussion welcome.

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