Wednesday, June 15, 2022

Politics Corner June 15th


Via Visit Milwaukee

Good news for those of you with young children. We are one unanimous step closer to vaccinating kids under 6 against COVID. We're looking at multidose regimens of Moderna and Pfizer. [ABC]

Via Tenor

In case you forgot that Russia has us on the verge of World War III, the US is sending another billion in military aid to Ukraine. Ukraine says this isn't enough. They are probably right. [Associated Press]

Via Associated Press

While Biden signs an Executive Order protecting LGBTQetc students (and that T for Trans is especially important this year), the kids are taking care of business themselves. [NBC] [NBC]


Big business has been gouging consumers and now the Federal Reserve Board has taken action by raising interest rates. The intent is to make you demand less and ease up the supply chain. Does anyone believe that companies will stop gouging us? It seems to me that this will only punish consumers, put more money in the banks (your credit rates will go up) and give companies another "excuse" to raise prices. Any economists who care to tell me where I'm wrong are welcome to explain in the comments. [NPR]

Via Giphy

Political discussion welcome.

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