Thursday, May 5, 2022

Politics Corner May 5th


Via Visit Milwaukee

I'm spared celebrating the US holiday of Cinco de Mayo this year because I'm still in the hospital. I'm doing pretty well. Most of the things that I was really concerned about turned out to be nothing and I've just got one to work on. I hope to be out tomorrow but Saturday is more likely.  I'm also one of the reasons why the wait to get into the ER is so long. They are still trying to get me a room upstairs but it's full up so people like me who are not emergencies but require care are housed in the ER. This is a huge hospital. I can't imagine how the smaller ones are handling this.

I'm in the basement. No windows.
photo mine
Update: I'm upstairs now! I have a window and a bathroom and chairs! And some poor soul has been released from the waiting room and into the ER.

Photo mine

Political discussion welcome.

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