Wednesday, May 18, 2022

Politics Corner May 18th


Via Visit Milwaukee

Where was was all this concern about violence in the half century that Roe has been enforced? How many providers bombed? How many dead doctors? How many women intimidated? But now that some loonies on the far left might - and this is just conjecture - might respond Homeland Security gets involved. We've got fifty goddamn years of fucking evidence of violence from the right and they've never gotten this kind of attention. Peaceful protests outside a Justice's house? Anti-abortion fanatics have killed doctors in their homes and in their churches. This isn't remotely something that can be both-sided. Not in what has happened and not in the federal response. [Axios]


What's more embarrassing than Buchanon's entire presidency or the (false) story about Taft and his bathtub? Oh, this one's so easy that even, Trump wouldn't get it. [Business Insider]

Via Business Insider

Alexander wasn't the only Vindman that was persecuted after he testified at Trump's impeachment party. Nope, they dragged his brother Yevgeny through the mud and eventually fired him. [CNN]


The group that posted that video of Madison Cawthorn smushing his dick into another guys face? They claim that Lauren Boebert will be their next target. WAIT! Come back! This time it's about money. We already know so much shady financial information up to and including stealing a house. What's left? Armed Robbery? The invention of cyber-currency? [Business Insider}

Via The Independent

Political discussion welcome.

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