Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Occasional cooks: cherry, lemon and pistachio loaf cake and then a diversion about eggs

Here is your weekly thread to talk anything and everything food. 

Share what you're cooking this week, ask for tips or recipes for a dish, tell us about your meals out. 

Via Good Food

This pretty cherry, lemon and pistachio cake caught my eye this week - how good does that look?

Who's good at scrambled eggs? It is the one style of eggs I've never been keen on, although possibly because they are easy to stuff up. Here's a how-to that makes it seem very easy

Via Sainsburys

My childhood favourite was a soft-boiled egg with soldiers, which I guess translates to poached egg on sourdough as an adult. The egg pictured above is not soft enough, it needs to be far more googy.

Speaking of googy, here's an Australianism for you - "as full as a goog". "Goog" means egg, it apparently comes from Scots English, why "full as a goog", I don't know...

What regional egg-based slang can you teach me?

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