Tuesday, January 18, 2022

The Book Of 'Screw You' And Other Tuesday Headlines

Via Gfycat
January 18th Is... Winnie-The-Pooh Day

'It’s Long Past Time To Prosecute Phony GOP Electors' [The Bulwark]

Donald Trump Refused To Pay A Bill? I Just Don't Believe It [The Daily Beast]

Via Giphy

How Very Big Chill Of Ginnifer Goodwin [People]

Betty Is 'Disappearing' Her Favorite Son [Vanity Fair]

Via Pinterest

But Seriously, These 'Elite Detectives' Really Are The Worst [Special Viewing Unit]

Paris Won't Be Cooking Anymore [Deadline]

Via Pinterest

The Flailing Patriots Weren't The Biggest Dildos On The Field Over The Weekend [Awful Announcing]

Would Be A Shame If Novaxx Lost His Endorsement Deals [Reuters]

Via Gfycat


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