Monday, January 3, 2022

Politics Corner January 3rd


Via National Park Service


I hardly know her. [Associated Press]

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The NY Attorney General subpoenaed Don Jr. and Ivanka and they said "Nuh uh, our daddy is President!" We await a judge to tell them that no, he is not President. [NBC]

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The insurrection was not a bug, it is a feature. [Morning Consult]

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The Virginia Giuffre / Jeffrey Epstein settlement is out and it looks to me that the language was meant to intimidate Giuffre from pursuing further action but it doesn't seem legally enforceable - especially now that Epstein is dead. What does this mean? If I'm right then Giuffre is free to pursue Prince Andrew and others. Any legal experts in the house? [Guardian]

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Political discussion welcome.

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