Wednesday, January 12, 2022

Occasional cooks: lots of vegies

Here is your weekly thread to talk anything and everything food. 

Share what you're cooking this week, ask for tips or recipes for a dish, tell us about your meals out.

Via Good Food

I'm trying to up my vegie intake, so browsing vegetarian recipes. The one above is a green shakshuka from Gordon Ramsey. Looks good, but one of those recipes that requires small amounts of several ingredients, so not entirely practical for someone living alone. At the same link, there's a tasty-looking cauliflower recipe too.
Via Good Food

This haloumi and cous cous salad also looks delicious - then again, fried cheese is always a winner. But it's simple and easily scaled, so that's a winner.

Via Good Food

And this vegetarian eggplant moussaka gratin! Hang on, wasn't the initial idea of more vegies that I would eat healthier? I guess this dish might have to be an "occasional" treat.

Here's some advice on what to eat if you have covid - basically, vitamin C, lots of hydration (especially if you have lost your sense of taste and smell, as this leads to eating less), then zinc as you recover, and a good variety of vegies.

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