Thursday, December 23, 2021

Politics Corner December 23rd


Via National Park Service

Gov. Abbott of Texas got his Christmas present early. The Texas Board of Pardons and Paroles rescinded its unanimous recommendation for a pardon for George Floyd. Racism wins again. [Texas Tribune]

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We're being told that the manslaughter convictions of Kimberly Potter are a turning point. I've heard this so many times before and I'll believe it when police stop murdering people of color. [Minneapolis Star Tribune]

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Amazon has agreed to email its workers and let them know that they have the right to organize unions. Of course if the workers read those emails on the job they'll be punished. [NPR]

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You'd think they would have learned when they tried to stop people from voting made more people want to vote. Now they're banning books and solving teachers' problems - kids want to read exactly what they're told not to. And we're supposed to listen to them about how to raise kids? [Guardian]

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Political discussion welcome.

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