Monday, November 15, 2021

Politics Corner November 15th


Via National Park Service

Let's start with some good news for a change. We can stop talking about Infrastructure Week now that it's every week. Biden signed the bill and now it's the law. Now I feel like I should fix some more things around the house. [ABC]

more from the greeter at Chetumal airport
photo mine

The defense lawyers for Ahmaud Arbery's murderers continue their disruption and moved for a mistrial - this time over Jesse Jackson sitting in the back. The same judge who let them get away with an almost all white jury isn't letting them get away with any more. [Brunswick News]

I'd never felt so greeted
photo mine

Meanwhile murderer Kyle Rittenhouse's lawyers must be feeling good. The judge dropped a charge, told the prosecution they should have filed an appeal when he dropped it, then realized that he just dropped the charge immediately before closing arguments. Then the judge screwed up the jury instructions, stopped in the middle and sent the jury away. If the trial ever ends, the judge has laid so many grounds for appeal that the appeals can go on forever. [Associated Press]

photo mine

Steve Bannon is back on the streets or in the gutter. Next to him is that Trump impeachment lawyer that Bannon ripped apart on air. Birds of a feather. [Daily Beast]

wait, did I even leave Wisconsin?
photo mine

Political discussion welcome.

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