Wednesday, October 6, 2021

Politics Corner October 6th


Via National Park Service

US District Judge Robert Pitman blocked enforcement of the Texas abortion ban. It's not expected to hold long. The next court up is very conservative and likely to overturn this. The order is here. Any lawyers in the house feel up to lawyering and explain it to us? [CNN]

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Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin and six other Defense Secretaries have warned about the devastating effects of not raising the debt ceiling. Now which party supports our troops? [NBC]

There's a new push to end the ban on negotiating prescription (and insulin) prices. Medicare used to be able to negotiate until pharmaceuticals bought off enough congress critters and prices have skyrocketed since the ban was put in place. [Associated Press]

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Four former Trump aides are expected to resist congressional subpoenas under orders from Trump. [Guardian]

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Good news! Republicans want to lose! [Pew Research Center]

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Political discussion welcome.

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