Thursday, October 21, 2021

Politics Corner October 21st


Via National Park Service

The horses and the whips were not the beginning or the end of the US maltreatment of migrants. Sexual and physical abuse has been common and normalized. Due process is for me but not for thee. [Guardian]

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Today in why didn't this happen long ago? The US Federal Reserve banned officials from trading individual shares and other assets. [Financial Times]

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A former Minneapolis police officer had a third degree murder conviction reduced to second degree manslaughter in the death of a woman who called 911 over a possible sexual assault behind her house. His lawyers wanted him released with time served. The judge disagreed. [Minneapolis Star Tribune]

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Rep. Jim Banks (R-Indiana) is sending letters to Department heads claiming to be a ranking member of the House select committee on the insurrection. He was one of the Reps that McCarthy nominated with the full knowledge that he would be unacceptable. There was never any danger that he would be allowed near the committee. He may have been breaking House rules and could wind up in front of another committee to explain his actions and beg for mercy. [CNN]

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Political discussion welcome.

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