Monday, October 18, 2021

Politics Corner October 18th

Via National Park Service

Manchin and Sinema will be put to the test Wednesday when a pared-down voting rights bill will be brought up for a vote. McConnell is promising a filibuster. There's no way to get 60 votes to break the filibuster. The only way the bill can pass is if a united Democrat (and affiliated Independents) caucus votes to end the filibuster rule with a tie-breaker from VP Harris. [NBC]

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Why is voting rights so important? I could tell you all about what's been going on in Wisconsin but we've got some fresher wounds in Texas. Some of us may have been distracted by the abortion ban but most of us remember the voter suppression law that took effect a little earlier. The first lawsuit over Texas redistricting has been filed. More suits are expected but this one claims that Latino civil rights are being violated. [Texas Tribune]

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The Biden administration will crack down on the use of "forever chemicals". [NBC]

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As expected, Trump has filed suit against the National Archives and against the House select committee on the insurrection in an attempt to block documents from being released to the House. He is claiming executive privilege but Biden, the current executive and arbiter of privilege, has rejected privilege over the documents. Trump is unlikely to win. Not only is he wrong but his already bad legal team is sitting this one out and he's scraping the bottom of the barrel for representation. It may delay the work of the select committee but won't stop it. [Al Jazeera]

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