Thursday, October 14, 2021

Politics Corner October 14th


Via National Park Service

Let the depositions begin. Trump must testify this month about his security attacking protesters at Trump Tower in 2015. There's more to come. [ABC]

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Bannon will be charged with criminal contempt and will be locked up if he doesn't appear. It's just a matter of time now. [NPR]

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A third jab of Moderna has passed a key FDA committee and should get full approval within days. This is for people at higher risk. Whatever the FDA ultimately says, I can vouch that if your doctor okays it you can get a third shot now. I did already. [CNBC]

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The Senate will vote on a Manchin-approved voting rights bill. It's guaranteed that no Republican will vote in favor of voting rights. There's only one thing standing in the way of voting rights and that's Sinema. God help us all. [Yahoo! News]

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Political discussion welcome.

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