Monday, October 18, 2021

Jeopardy! recap for Mon., Oct. 18

 Let's meet today's contestants:

- Anna, a barista; (Note: due to technical difficulties, I didn't get the contestant chat today.)

- Adam, a law clerk; and

- Jonathan, an actor. Jonathan is a five-day champ with winnings of $117,700.

Jonathan was tied for the lead with Adam after round one, then dominated DJ, scoring on both DDs and he couldn't be caught into FJ with $27,600 vs. $6,800 for both Adam and Anna.

DD1 - $800 - BIRD BRAINS - Scientists think the corvids, including the American & carrion this, are the smartest of all birds (Jonathan won $1,000 from his score of $3,400 to take a slim lead over Adam.)

DD2 - $2,000 - HISTORY'S MYSTERIES - A real-life drama: the Shakespeare contemporary was killed under mysterious circumstances May 30, 1593 (Jonathan won $2,000 from his total of $16,000 vs. $5,600 for Adam.)

DD3 - $800 - FICTIONAL AFRICA - Also known as the Golden City, Birnin Zana is the capital of this futuristic African nation (Jonathan won $2,000 from his acore of $24,000 vs. $5,600 for Adam.)

FJ - NAMES ON THE MAP - From 1824 to 1825 this hero toured all 24 states & an Indiana city was named for him

Only Adam was correct on FJ. Jonathan dropped $2,400 to win with $25,200 for a six-day total of $142,900.


Triple Stumper of the day: For a top-row clue, no one took a guess that the SoCal university that's home to a Asian-American theater company with notable actors as members is UCLA.

Wagering strategy: Mayim was giving Jonathan a bit of ribbing about his modest wagers on the first two DDs, but she couldn't convince him to go bigger on DD3, despite having a larger lead and it being a second-row clue.

Correct Qs: DD1 - What is crow? DD2 - Who was Marlowe? DD3 - What is Wakanda? FJ - Who was Marquis de Lafayette?

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