Sunday, September 5, 2021

Totally Tunes: Singin' in the Rain

Today's entry has been suggested by a former co-worker. No, not as in "hey, I have a topic for that column you write for WOT" but more like "I'm snatching the idea off your Spotify playlist" suggestion. But hey, transparency and giving credit and shit; also, he's not working for us anymore either so fuck it. Anyways, here's some songs about rain.

Someone bring these leaves an umbrella! via Pexels

As usual, let's begin with the tune that gave this article its title, pretty much a whole darn classic:
Let's continue with a Creedence Clearwater Revival track that's also pretty much a classic... wait isn't this going to become a trend here, right? There can't be those many iconic songs about rain, right?
This classic track (goshdarnit!) is mostly remembered by the music video, starring a lovely girl dressed as a bee.
Sometimes, the rain is not necessarily about water, sometimes it can rain men! Hallelujah!
For the closer, I'm gonna go with a classic (I give up, y'all) Latin song where, once again, the rain is not water-related but, unlike men, who are a solid substance, in here we're wishing coffee to pour from the skies!
Do you like rain? Why on gosh's green land there's so many classics about rain?!?!?

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