Monday, August 2, 2021

Politics Corner August 2nd


Via National Park Service

Officer Gunther Hashida committed suicide and is likely another fatality of the insurrection. Don't expect Republicans to accept responsibility. Do expect Trump to call him a loser. [CNN]

Edited to add: Another officer who was at the Capital to protect our government from the insurrection has killed himself. Kyle DeFreytag is the fourth confirmed officer suicide connected to the insurrection. [WUSA9]

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We need more words for schadenfreude so I don't have to type schadenfreude every time I feel schadenfreude when something terrible happens to Lindsey Graham. [Reuters]

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It's infrastructure week again. Only this time there's money on the table and things might even happen. [NPR]

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Congress didn't do its job so now the Treasury has to pull a snow job out in the open just so we can pay our bills. [CNBC]

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Political discussion welcome.

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