Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Jeopardy! recap for Tue., Aug. 10

 Please welcome today's contestants:

- Silpa, a screenwriter, wants to donate to a bail fund network;

- Allie; a technical editor, had Robert Frost teach at her high school; and

- Matt, a Ph.D. student, thanks his teachers and his public school system. Matt is a fourteen-day champ with winnings of $440,600.

Matt quickly found both DDs in DJ, only broke even on them, but then went on an impressive roll, putting the game out of reach at $33,000 vs. $12,800 for Allie and $1,400 for Silpa.

DD1 - $800 - INAUGURATING A PRESIDENT - This man flubbed some of the words while administering the oath to Barack Obama, so they did it all again a day later (Matt won $2,200 on a true DD.)

DD2  - $1,600 - 19th CENTURY MUSIC - A veteran of the battle of Waterloo, this German who built his first piano in 1836 later made a grand turn to America (Matt lost $4,000 from his score of $13,000 vs. $6,000 for Allie.)

DD3 - $1,600 - NATIONS - 16 federal states make up Germany; this one that's home to Munich is the largest in area (On the very next clue from the previous DD, Matt won $4,000 from his total of $9,000.)

FJ - FICTIONAL PLACES - A savage people called Zapoletes are contrasted with the inhabitants of the title place of this 16th-century work

Matt and Allie were correct on FJ, with Matt adding $2,000 to win with $35,000 for a fifteen-day total of $475,600.

This day in Mattsylvania: It was interesting how Matt utterly dominated around the first two-thirds of DJ, then we heard very little from him for the rest of the round. It almost felt like coming off another huge losing FJ bet yesterday, he didn't want to have too big of a runaway going into FJ today.

Triple Stumper of the day: Two players guessed incorrect countries for a video clue that included the flag of Denmark.

Correct Qs: DD1 - Who is John Roberts? DD2 - Who was Steinway? DD3 - What is Bavaria? FJ - What is Utopia?

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