Monday, July 26, 2021

Jeopardy! recap for Mon., Jul. 26 (LeVar Burton's debut as guest host)

 Here are today's contestants:

- Kathleen, a retired legal assistant, has rappelled the sides of buildings;

- Patrick, a product specialist, played bar trivia on team "The Cheese Stands Alone"; and

- Matt, a Ph.D. student, grew up with Jeopardy! taking priority over baseball. Matt is a three-day champ with winnings of $101,400.

Everyone got a chance at a DD, but only Matt was correct on his, showing the way into FJ at $17,000 vs. $10,200 for Kathleen. Patrick was out of the running at -$7,400.

DD1 - $800 - WHERE THE WILD THINGS ARE - The North Island brown is a variety of this flightless bird (With both opponents in the red, Matt won $4,200 on a true DD.)

DD2  - $2,000 - ARABIA - This emirate, a 100-mile-long peninsula on the east coast, has taken a more independent line than its neighbors in recent years (Patrick lost $2,000 from his score of -$1,000.)

DD3 - $800 - OSCAR ACCEPTANCE SPEECHES - This "Moonstruck" actress said, "Okay, Michael, let's go!" referring to her cousin running for President (Kathleen lost $3,000 from her score of $6,400 vs. $12,200 for Matt.)

FJ - NOTABLE NAMES - Following his death in 2018, his ashes were interred at Westminster Abbey between the remains of fellow scientists Darwin & Newton

Both players were correct on this easy FJ. Matt added $4,000 to win with $21,000 for a four-day total of $122,400.

Wagering strategy: Despite missing DD3, the best percentage play for Kathleen would have been to bet all, because if you have a chance to take the lead from a champ averaging over $30K per game, you should take it.

Triple Stumper of the day: No one guessed the insurance company that evolved from a long name to a "snappier" one that still includes "Life" is "MetLife".

Correct Qs: DD1 - What is kiwi? DD2 - What is Qatar? DD3 - Who Is Olympia Dukakis? FJ - Who was Hawking?

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