Sunday, June 6, 2021

Totally Tunes: Am I A Joke To You?

 Bands and artists can do all sorts of music and lyrics, and that's pretty great. Even better, we sometimes get specific musicians, whether they're fully committed to music or comedians who accompany jokes with melodies, that do funny tunes as their main appeal. Lyrics can be wild, satirical, incredibly odd or simply endearingly weird, but they're guaranteed to pull a laugh out of you. Let's talk about these artists today.

via Pexels

Truth is that I've been plotting this entry for a while now, but watching this special yesterday gave me a pull to finally complete the master thought and get this article up and running (also: don't have many more ideas left). Usually, comedians who lean on music don't necessarily have the best melodies, but the lyrics are great:

Sometimes it can be a mix of both, and also have the music be part of the joke, especially when the whole song is crafted to aim at a particular genre or artist and that heightens the macro idea around the tune.

Conceptualizing the song is also key for some comedy artists, as it gives free reign to various different styles or running gags, depending on the context or concept given to the album or specific phase. Do you want to make a whole album (and movie) about a spoiled pop star? We got you, man.

Adopting personas is also a great idea if you want to explore different sides of a human being in various songs throughout an album. Certain cult bands even stretched out to their whole discography, adding new personas and situations and mixing them up with recurring themes and "people" from previous albums ("Give me rightovers for once" is a favorite bit of lyric of mine):

And, of course, we have the comedians who incurred on music as part of their antics, but not really relying on that specifically, and yet a big part of their legacy stands on said musical gags, from dying in the cross to sacred sperms...

What's your favorite comedy band or artist? What's the funniest song you've ever listened to?

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