Wednesday, June 2, 2021

Politics Corner, June 2nd


Via National Park Service

Now that many people are running around maskless and ignoring social distancing it's more important than ever that most of us get vaccinated. July 4th isn't just an arbitrary date. It's the next possible nationwide superspreader event. [CNBC]

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Don't respond well to warnings? Can I entice you with free (crappy) beer? [Snopes]

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Texas Governor Abbott didn't so much defend his indefensible voter suppression bill as attack President Biden. No surprise that he got Trump's blessing after pushing Trump's Big Lie. [Dallas Morning News]

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Derek Chauvin's defense team is asking for probation and time served. Are they so out of touch that they don't know that would be a death sentence? The prosecution is more likely to get the thirty years they're asking for. [NBC]

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Political discussion welcome.

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