Wednesday, June 23, 2021

Politics Corner, June 23rd


Via National Park Service

It's a race to the bottom. In lane one we've got Texas where you don't want to be a child or a dog. [Texas Tribune]

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In lane two is Florida where your politics had better match the governor's and "patriotism" will be taught to kids. I know if you bring this up on the internet you've lost the argument but that rule needs an update because this is straight out of the Nazi playbook. [Tampa Bay Times]

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Why should states have all the fun? The US Navy has joined the race. The Navy is training its internal police that socialists are terrorists. Someone tell Senator Sanders and the new Mayor of Buffalo to stay off of the battleships. [The Intercept]

a rare day with no anti-abortion protestors
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They can race all they like but we know where the bottom is. About 900 Secret Service members were infected with COVID and more than half of those were assigned to protect Trump, Pence and their families. [Associated Press]

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Political discussion welcome.