Thursday, June 17, 2021

Politics Corner, June 17th


Via National Park Service

We're celebrating Juneteenth Day one day early this year because now it's a federal holiday and we don't waste those on weekends. I say you should feel free to enslave the fourteen Republicans who voted against the Juneteenth holiday. [Reuters]

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The US Supreme Court rejected another bid to destroy the Affordable Care Act. Don't ask me about what they did with discrimination in foster care. I'm still angry. [Associated Press]

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I bet even Joe Manchin knew that his look-at-me "compromise" never had a chance. [Axios]

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Good news! Antiviral meds are on the way. And not just for COVID.

There's a big grain of salt in that pill. Unless the science has changed since last I checked antivirals still do not kill viruses like antibiotics kill bacteria. They can weaken the virus, they can boost your immunity but they will not kill the virus. So if you haven't been vaccinated yet you still need to get vaccinated if only to stop the virus from mutating. [NBC]

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Political discussion welcome.

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