Sunday, May 2, 2021

Totally Tunes: I Might've got a Little Lazy There

 These days aren't made much to have energy abound. Let's be lazy, shall we? I'm gonna go method and make a lazy article about songs about laziness and boredom! Well, no, I'm gonna put the effort (hey, I even chose for the title a line from an unrelated tune), but let's admit that the current state of the world makes everyone not want to get off the bed daily. Damn you, stupid world and stupid virus! Anyways, let's go lazy.

Don't we all want to be kitty? via Pexels

One of my favorite songs about a lazy life is this fun Oasis track, where Noel Gallagher sings about going through the motions, and the music video continues to sell on that.

Another song I love about the subject is this Offspring classic, where the protagonist just seems to have a lot of friends with lazy partners, rounding everything to stop the laziness by, dunno, getting a job. Jobbing is not easy, but did you know there are some jobs where you can be lazy and get paid? The dream, right?

Speaking of stories shared, this fun tune is the anecdotes of a British dude who also goes through the motions and would like to stop being so damn bored of his life.

A part of this Ramones classic is based on the time the band ended up touring 'round Christmas in London and discovered everything was shut down, so they had too much desire to do stuff but nothing to actually do, boring the living daylights outta them. 

To close, let's go with this Green Day anthem to wankery. No, really, like there's quite the masturbation topics on this song, besides the whole "gosh I can't stand this loser lazy life of mine" based on Billie Joe's very own experiences at that moment.

What's your favorite song about laziness and/or boredom? Have you gotten lazier in this past year?

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