Monday, May 24, 2021

Politics Corner, May 24th


Via National Park Service

There are more details and inconsistencies that seem to confirm a cover up of the death of Ronald Greene at the hands of Louisiana State Police. There are some clear lies in Lt. John Clary's version that are easily disproved by his own body cam footage. Clary, the ranking officer on the scene, has denied that he had body cam footage for more than two years even though the footage shows he and other officers referencing Clary's live body cam. And this is only the tip of the iceberg. [Associated Press]

where Cheeseheads are made
photo mine

In neighboring Texas there's accusations of a different type of police corruption. Four female officers are suing Harris County (Houston) over "bachelor party stings" that included sexual harassment and assault by male officers. One of the women was set up with a known rapist and wasn't allowed to call in a bust until assault occurred. [Houston Chronicle]

there used to be a gay bar here
photo mine

We're doubling disaster funding. No more paper towels for hurricanes or brooms for forest fires. [ABC]

Kinnickinnic River to the right, Milwaukee River to the left
Hoan Bridge above and the harbor and Lake Michigan ahead
photo mine

Baby steps. Just baby steps. But at least they're in the right direction. Stone Mountain Park in Georgia is becoming slightly less racist. And possibly even less racist in the future. It's still gonna stir up the KKK, Confederacy apologists and other white supremacists. And probably won't satisfy the rest of us. [Atlanta Journal-Constitution]

things that live in Lake Michigan flattened onto a wall
photo mine

Political discussion welcome.

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