Tuesday, May 4, 2021

Jeopardy! recap for Tue., May 4

Here are today's contestants:

- Brittany, a baker, can say "I don't speak Lithuanian";

- Hanna, an editor, has a teakettle sneeze;

- Emily, a Vice President of Operations, rode a train with Joe Biden. Emily is a three-day champ with winnings of $73,000.

Everything fell Hanna's way in DJ, as she picked up a $2,000 clue after both opponents missed it, scored on DD2, then Emily dropped to $0 on DD3, helping Hanna to a runaway at $20,800 vs. $5,200 for Emily and $2,200 for Brittany.

DD1 -$800 - READING MATERIAL - Combine 2 words in the New York Times' slogan & you'll get the name of this light, pulpy paper it comes on (Emily won $3,800 on a true DD.)

DD2 - $1,200 - PLAYING POPE - In "The Agony & the Ecstasy" Rex Harrison played Pope Julius II taking on Charlton Heston as this artist (Hanna won $4,000 from her score of $12,000 vs. $6,200 for Emily.)

DD3 - $1,600 - FACTS ABOUT COUNTRIES - The longest river in Ireland, it flows 220 miles to reach the Atlantic Ocean near Limerick (Emily lost $6,200 on a true DD vs. $16,000 for Hanna.)

FJ - WORLD LITERATURE - This 1970s memoir told of harsh places that metaphorically were like an island chain “from the Bering Strait almost to the Bosporus”

For the third straight game, only Emily was correct on FJ. Hanna dropped only $200 to win with $20,600.

Making the layup: The $2,000 clue referenced above was when Hanna scored with "Masters and Johnson" after her opponents said "Masters and Kinsey" and "Masters and Young".

Triple Stumper of the day: For a bottom-row clue in CROSSWORD CLUES "F" about a nine-letter word for "a Davenport or a lowboy", perhaps the players were expecting something more complicated than furniture.

Correct Qs: DD1 - What is newsprint? DD2 - Who was Michelangelo? DD3 - What is Shannon? FJ - What is "The Gulag Archipelago"?

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