Tuesday, May 18, 2021

Jeopardy! recap for Tue., May 18

 Day two of the  2021 Tournament of Champions features these contestants:

- Steve Moulds, a three-time champ, whose three-year-old wondered how he got in the TV;

- Nibir Sarma, winner of the 2020 College Championship, got support from his school's sports teams;

- Karen Farrell, an eight-time champ, whose "Seven Nation Army" response led to buying an art print.

Nibir was correct on both DDs in DJ, but chose to make small wagers and as a result, was in second position going into FJ with $13,200 vs. $14,200 for Karen and $2,400 for Steve.

DD1 - $800 - IN THE NATIONAL WOMEN'S HALL OF FAME - The First Lady who turned 93 in 2020 (Steve lost the table limit of $1,000.)

DD2 - $1,600 - "A" MATERIAL - The cavity filling alloy called dental this is half mercury & half other metals such as silver (Nibir won $2,000 from his score of $7,400 to tie Karen for the lead at $9,400.)

DD3 - $1,600 - THE DAILY QUINTUPLE - This Cabinet Secretary is 5th in the line of presidential succession, between the Secretaries of State and Defense (Nibir won $1,000 from his total of $8,600 vs. $10,600 for Karen.)

FJ - ANIMALS - German settlers in Texas called this animal “panzerschwein”

Karen and Steve were correct on FJ. Karen added $2,000 to advance with $16,200 while Nibir dropped only $1,001 and is currently second in the wild card chase at $12,199. Steve doubled up to $4,800 and will need some luck to advance.

Triple Stumper of the day: No one knew that John Nance Garner was vice president to FDR.

Correct Qs: DD1 - Who is Rosalyn Carter? DD2 - What is amalgam? DD3 - What is Treasury? FJ - What is armadillo?

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