Sunday, April 4, 2021

Totally Tunes: Pack Your Trunks and say Goodbye to the Circus

 The circus! The colorful home of overpriced cotton candy, huge tents that you have no idea how they were set on the first place, lights absolutely everywhere, and (sometimes) questionable spectacles like animals in captivity! Also, clowns, who everyone adores! If I ever went to the circus as a child, I don't really recall it. As an adult, I certainly don't see the appeal of it (even though there was a circus set up near home a few years ago, and the light work made it look amazing at night), but that doesn't stop artists from writing songs about it... or any other subject, considering how many topics have we covered here so far.

The circus near home looked prettier via Pexels

Let's begin with the most fun song about a circus ever, and a great one against animal captivity as well, with our titular elephant breaking out of her chains and off she ran to the jungle! Go Nellie!

Every once in a while I bring back Aqua because I really enjoy remembering how much Eurotrash I listened to since I was a kid, and so it happens that the closing song on their possibly most popular album is one about a circus saying goodbye. Why is there a song about a circus in a water-themed album? Life's greatest mysteries.

This is one for you musical loving weirdos, and for you Hugh Jackman loving reasonable people because who the fuck doesn't like Hugh? Even when playing dastardly human PT Barnum he was utterly adorable.

Hey, do any of you, besides Amadeus3000 and myself, remember Plain White T's? They did a whole album inspired on Cirque du Soleil (that's pretty much the most basic band thing ever done) over a decade ago. Here's one of the circusful (see also: cringe) tracks. 

And because I know none of y'all will ever understand ART, with all capitals, here's the most ART to have ever ARTED to close this article. Yeah, give me that clowny clown ART, not like those creepy fucking things Stephen King does to justify literary child orgies. There isn't an iota of creepy in this:

What's your favorite song about circuses or clowns or anything circus related? Have you ever visited a circus?

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