Sunday, April 11, 2021

Totally Tunes: Outer... Space!

 Had we done a Totally Tunes about space before? I feel like we have, but at the same time I keep having all these ideas for songs and I'm like "no, this wasn't done before", so here's an entry about songs about space, celestial bodies and all that jazz. It's a fun topic, I'm still surprised we haven't done it before! Also, sorry for now putting Adam Driver's silly voice in your head with this article's subtitle.

Solar flare, or random still from Mandy? via Pexels

Let's begin with the song that gave me the idea for this article, from a band well known for their sci-fi weird-ass lyrics and songs with space themes. You have "Starlight", "Neutron Star Collision", and also this:

This adorable Eurovision ditty has our protagonist speaking of a certain star and how they'd guide us to it on their journey.

"It all started with a Big Bang" says this silly tune that also happened to be the theme song of a very successful TV show:

Let's throw in some alien abduction themes, just because we can:

And, even though I have more in mind, let's respect the five-song lineup on these articles and close with the mastermind behind all songs space-wise... can you hear me, Major Tom?

What's your favorite song about outer space? Would you travel through the galaxies if you had the chance?