Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Jeopardy! recap for Tue., Apr. 27

Here are today's contestants:

- John, a legal assistant, had Alex appear at his audition years ago;

- Dana, an English professor, has an infinity symbol tattoo; and

- Kelly, a bank examiner, got payback for giving his wife a steam cleaner for Christmas. Kelly  is a three-day champ with winnings of $79,601.

Kelly never recovered from a big miss on DD2, and Dana finished strongly, nailing down the runaway on the last clue of DJ at $20,100 vs. $9,400 for John and $2,800 for Kelly.

DD1 -$1,000 - SILENT G THING - This adjective meaning arousing emotions comes from a French word for "pointed" (John won the window maximum of $1,000.)

DD2 - $2,000- EXPLORERS - In 1792 this Brit reached the West Coast of North America & began surveying it (Kelly lost $5,000 from his score of $7,000 vs. $7,600 for Dana.)

DD3 - $1,200 - PANTONE COLORS OF THE YEAR - The color of the year for 2000 was cerulean blue, the subject of a famous rant by Meryl Streep in this 2006 film (Dana won $2,500 from her total of $10,000 vs. $8,200 for John.)

FJ - U.S. NATIONAL PARKS - This subtropical region is a biosphere reserve, a UNESCO World Heritage Site &, as of 1947, a National Park

Everyone was correct on FJ. Dana added $500 to win with $20,600.

Triple Stumper of the day: Another clue about streaming entertainment went unsolved, as no one knew the Netflix movie with a blindfolded Sandra Bullock, "Bird Box".

Cluereader corner: I appreciated how, just after Kelly made his wager on DD2, Cooper stated the scores of both Kelly and the leader Dana, to lend some game perspective to the import of this single clue.

Correct Qs: DD1 - What is poignant? DD2 - What is Vancouver? DD3 - What is "The Devil Wears Prada"? FJ - What is the Everglades?

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