Thursday, April 29, 2021

Jeopardy! recap for Thur., Apr. 29

 Fabulous contest in which Emily jumped over a clue to find DD3 very late in DJ and made a big third-to-first move, heading into FJ at $18,600, while Leah and Colin were tied at $17,200.

DD1 -$400 - GEOGRAPHIC TOP 10s - It's the world's third-largest body of water by surface area

DD2 - $1,600 - POP CULTURE PRIESTS - Ewan McGregor plays the Vatican's Camerlengo in this 2009 film based on a Dan Brown book 

DD3 - $1,600 - HISTORIC GOVERNORS - In 1921 Channing Cox succeeded this upwardly mobile governor of Massachusetts who went by the same 2 initials (Emily wagered $9,000 of her total of $9,600 with two other clues remaining.)

FJ - ODD WORDS - A homophone of a letter in the alphabet, this 5-letter word sounds the same if you remove its last 4 vowels

Everyone was correct on FJ. Emily added $18,000 to win with $36,600.

Correct Qs: DD1 - What is The Indian Ocean? DD2 - What is "Angels & Demons"? DD3 - Who was Calvin Coolidge? FJ - What is queue?

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