Sunday, March 28, 2021

Totally Tunes: Pirates Are All We Can Be

 Let's continue with the high seas theme, as I noticed a great deal of lack of pirates in last week's entry. It's a shame, because pirate songs are so much fun! Usually artists/bands go full ham in order to really capture the craziness of the pirate life. Walk the plank, my friends!

(Yo) Ho Ho Ho via Pexels

As it's usual for this column, at least ever since I took over (if anyone wants to take over from me, let me know), let's begin with the song that gives the article it's subtitle. In this case, it's an insane Latvian Eurovision entry that is such a hoot, that it got covered by Alestorm (who Google unfortunately claims it's their song) as part of their usual cool pirates schtick.

I really like cheesy pirate songs, even when some have something lost in translation and the lyrics end up all wonky. In this case, here's a tune about sailors that pretty much sounds like one about pirates. I mean, sailors committing robberies...? It had to be 90's Eurotrash music!

For more direct songs about pirates, you can always count on the novelty bands that reeeeally exploit the vibe. And that's great, mind you, because we end up getting real fun stuff such as this:

Also, we can't leave comedy behind, especially when some songs even allow romantic hitmakers to share their love for famous movie pirates...

I don't recall if I've ever shared a Muppets song in these articles, but I find this to be more than a very suitable tune for the theme, and for today's closer:

What's your favorite pirate song? If you were a (singing) pirate, what would you sing about?

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