Wednesday, March 10, 2021

Occasional cooks: let's take a youtube break

Here is your weekly thread to talk anything and everything food. 

Share your cooking this week, ask for tips or recipes for a dish, tell us about your meals out. 

I haven't been in the mood this week, so I've turned to youtube instead.

Ann Reardon is an Australian food scientist whose channel I found via her videos debunking all those terrible 4-ingredient recipe/household hack/quick craft viral videos. She went further down the rabbit hole and also posted about how the whole viral video thing works, and it is terrifying. Did you know the third biggest media companies in the world is a Russian content farm that spews out these videos?

But that's a topic for someone else, I will stick to my beat. She also posts regular (and impressive) cake recipes, and she experiments with old recipes, like the above cheesecake (which looks tasty).

Let me know your favourite youtube food places.

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