Thursday, March 25, 2021

Jeopardy! recap for Thur., Mar. 25

Introducing today's contestants:

- Lisa, a stay-at-home mom & community volunteer, whose kids are cherry-spitting champions;

- Doug, a restaurant manager, has dealt with illness in his family; and

- Amal, a product manager, is a fan of Winnie-the-Pooh books. Amal is a two-day champ with winnings of $43,200.

Doug moved into a closer second place on DD3 and grabbed first position on the last clue of DJ, leading into FJ at $14,800 vs. $14,600 for Lisa and $8,000 for Amal.

DD1 - $600 - STATE PARKS - With boating, camping & fishing, Alabama's Meaher State Park is on this bay that's an arm of the Gulf of Mexico (Lisa added $1,000 from her leading score of $4,400.)

DD2 - $1,200 - VOCABULARY - The name of this job that provides child care is a French phrase meaning "equal" (Amal won $2,400 on a true DD vs. $8,600 for Lisa.)

DD3 - $1,600 - BORN DURING THE CIVIL WAR - This president's first wife Alice & his second wife Edith were both born during the early days of the war in 1861 (Doug won $4,000 from his total of $7,600 vs. $11,800 for Lisa.)

FJ - LITERARY INSPIRATIONS - The now-debunked theories of Luigi Galvani influenced the science in this 1818 novel

Lisa and Amal were correct on FJ, with Lisa adding $1,500 to win with $16,100.

Wagering strategy: This game demonstrated the potential benefits of more aggressive DD wagers, as a larger bet on DD1 might have helped Lisa keep the lead into FJ and not depend on a miss from Doug to win. Also, since Doug would have been in difficult shape with a miss on DD3, that would have been a good opportunity to bet it all to take the lead late in the game.

Triple Stumper of the day: In a category in which responses started with "bi", no one named a judicial type of favoritism as "bias".

Correct Qs: DD1 - What is Mobile Bay? DD2 - What is au pair? DD3 - What is Teddy Roosevelt? FJ - What is "Frankenstein"?

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