Friday, March 5, 2021

Jeopardy! recap for Fri., Mar. 5

 Introducing today's contestants:

- Ann, a high school English and drama teacher, is a "former frog queen for life";

- Laura, an author-editor, knits constantly; and

- Jim, a screenwriter, built a virtual pinball machine. Jim is a one-day champ with winnings of $17,300.

Laura scored on both DDs in DJ to build a commanding lead, then time ran out on Jim's strong late rally, so Laura had a runaway at $21,400 vs. $9,200 for Jim and $6,600 for Ann.

DD1 - $800 - BROADWAY MUSICALS - "The Morning of the Dragon" was one of the songs from this Puccini-based Broadway musical (Ann lost $1,400 on a true DD.)

DD2 - $2,000 - THAT'S SO 2019 - The discovery of Hono Luzonensis, an extinct human species that lived in what's now this country, was announced in April (Laura won $2,000 from her score of $10,800 vs. $3,200 for Jim.)

DD3 - $800 - BAD MEN & ROBBIN' - In 2005 4 thieves at Amsterdam's Schiphol Airport made off with $118 million worth of these bound for Antwerp (Laura won $3,000 from her total of $18,400 vs. $6,200 for Ann.)

FJ - AMERICAN ROCK BANDS - In 2020 their Greatest Hits, with an optimistic ’80s anthem, became only the third album to spend 600 weeks on the Billboard 200

Only Jim was correct, so we'll never know if that last remaining clue in DJ would have been decisive. Laura dropped $2,000 to win with $19,400.

Triple Stumper of the day: For a clue about a Richard Bach fable with a bird in the title, after Jim was incorrect with "Robinson Livingston Seagull", his opponents didn't pick up the rebound with "Jonathan Livingston Seagull".

This ends the hosting run of Mike Richards, who described the opportunity as an "incredible honor". Starting on Monday for two weeks will be Katie Couric.

Correct Qs: DD1 - What is "Miss Saigon"? DD2 - What is The Philippines? DD3 - What are diamonds? FJ - Who is Journey? (Judging the writers: They think "Don't Stop Believin'" is optimistic? Maybe they should take another look at the lyrics.)

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