Friday, March 19, 2021

Jeopardy! recap for Fri., Mar. 19

 Introducing today's contestants:

- Nick, an orthopedic physician assistant, got married on the 41st anniversary of his first date with his wife;

- Jilana, a data analyst, wears authentic 70s clothes; and

- Morgan, a librarian, learned to love learning from her dad. Morgan is a two-day champ with winnings of $37,200.

Very entertaining game in which Nick doubled up on DD2, tried to put the game away on DD3 but missed, and was able to hang on to a slim lead going into FJ with $15,200 vs. $13,400 for Jilana and $11,800 for Morgan.

DD1 - $1,000 - AMERICAN HISTORY - In 1840 this former President went to St. Louis Cathedral in New Orleans to honor an event that occurred 25 years earlier (Nick lost $1,600 on a true DD.)

DD2 - $1,600 - THE HUMAN BODY - These endocrine glands secrete the hormones epinephrine & cortisol (Nick won $7,400 on a true DD vs. $3,400 for Jilana.)

DD3 - $1,600 - PLAY "IN" - Can't find your way? This Neil Simon title mentions a city on the Hudson north of the Bronx (Nick lost $8,000 from his score of $18,800 vs. $4,600 for Morgan.)

FJ - ARTISTS - The February 17, 1901 death of his friend Carles Casagemas made this grief-stricken artist change his color palette

Everyone finished writing quickly on FJ and all were correct. Nick added $11,601 to win with $26,801.

Triple Stumper of the day: No one responded that baseball's "greatest drawing card in history" according to his Hall of Fame plaque was Babe Ruth.

Guest host corner: Katie ended her hosting stint by announcing that during her two weeks, over $230,000 had been raised for cancer research from the show donating amounts matching contestant winnings.

Correct Qs: DD1 - Who was Andrew Jackson? DD2 - What are the adrenal glands? DD3 - What is "Lost in Yonkers"? (Nick said "in Yonkers" as time expired.) FJ - Who was Picasso?

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