Sunday, February 7, 2021

Totally Tunes: The Longer, the Better

 Sometimes you just need a song that's long. Those 6+ runtime minutes on the album's tracklist may initially sound like a whole lot, but in the end it's the one you go to when you need some background music, when you need some time to zone out, or on long car rides. And it's always helpful. Some bands even specialize in long-ass tracks, so power to that! Anyways, let's begin with the article, because the songs should be the extensive one, not the words this time.

It's been a long roaaaad... via Pexels

My favorite song ever happens to be part of the Extensive Tunes Club. It also happens to be a favorite because I can close my eyes for those over seven and a half minutes and forget about everything.

Arcade Fire enjoys making songs that go over 5 minutes, and they even release them as singles, much to the chagrin of those who are not keen on bumping into long tracks on the radio. The live versions sometimes even extend the length!

Speaking of live versions, those tend to go long, right? Especially when they're tied to another tune as part of a medley and next thing you know it's a smorgasbord of melodies that have got you enthralled for over ten minutes.

The medleys sometimes aren't even from different songs, they can be one big song that just so happens to do a whole lotta lot in one single, long spot.

Once again, we're keeping this list short to contrast the subject at hand, but closing it with one of our regulars, who happened to also do several long songs in his lifetime:

What's your favorite song that's over 6 minutes long? Are you a fan of long tunes, short tunes, or both?

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