Thursday, February 4, 2021

Jeopardy! recap for Thur., Feb. 4

 Today's contestants are:

- Gina, an author, finally got to play an "old Annie";

- Stuart, a product line manager, had a rough landing in a hot-air balloon; and

- Nicole, an attorney, teaches five types of fitness classes. Nicole is a one-day champ with winnings of $18,700.

Stuart took control by running a science category early in DJ and kept the advantage into FJ with $18,800 vs. $10,700 for Nicole and $8,000 for Gina.

DD1 - $800 - AUTOBIOGRAPHIES  - Chapters in his 1965 autobiography included "Harlemite", "Saved" & "Mecca" (Nicole won $1,500 from her leading score of $6,000.)

DD2 - $1,600 - MUSICALS BY SONG LYRICS - "They chained me and left me for dead, just for stealing a mouthful of bread" (From third place, Gina won $2,000 on a true DD.)

DD3 - $800 - POETRY - Charles Baudelaire wrote a poem about these "vast birds of the sea" who famously show up in an English poem (With three other clues remaining, Stuart, who wanted to wager "negative $2,000", won $1,000 from his total of $17,800 vs. $11,100 for Nicole.)

FJ - CABLE NETWORKS - In March 1979 Tip O'Neill & then-Representative Al Gore were the first politicians to speak on this new cable channel

Everyone was correct on FJ. Stuart added $3,000 to win with $21,800.

Clue selection strategy: For the second straight game, with one DD remaining and one untouched category, the leading player (in this case Stuart) played top-down rather than shopping for DD3. Even though he clearly disliked the category, it's still in his best interest to find that DD and keep it away from his opponents.

Poetry problems: No one guessed that the poetry read by Patrick Stewart on social media that started with no. 116, "Let me not to the marriage of true minds" is Shakespeare's sonnets, or that Whitman's 52-section "great American poem" is "Song of Myself".

Ken's corner: The guest host made it clear at the top of the show that he's had just about enough of these $0 FJ wagers.

Correct Qs: DD1 - Who was Malcolm X? DD2 - What is Les Misérables? DD3 - What is albatross? FJ - What is C-SPAN?

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