Monday, February 8, 2021

Jeopardy! recap for Mon., Feb. 8

 Here are today's contestants:

- Michael, a marketing professional, has children born on significant dates;

- John, a software team lead, fell for baseball from a Nolan Ryan punch; and

- Leah, a stay-at-home mom, did archeological field work in Mississippi. Leah is a one-day champ with winnings of $17,000.

Very impressive performance by John, who scored on the first two DDs and was never threatened, heading into FJ at $32,400 vs. $12,200 for Michael and $6,200 for Leah.

DD1 - $1,000 -  LITERARY ALLUSIONS - The contradictory thought that some are more equal than others comes from a slogan in a satire by this man (On the last clue of the round, John won $3,000 from his leading score of $9,400.)

DD2 - $1,200 - PEOPLE & PLACES - It's the French word for an inhabitant of Canada's largest province by area (John won $4,000 from his total of $18,400 vs. $8,400 for Michael.)

DD3 - $1,200 - TAKE 'EM TO THEIR ROYAL HOUSES - Empress Maria Theresa & Emperor Franz Josef (Michael won $5,000 from his score of $7,600 vs. $24,000 for John.)

FJ - WORLD LITERATURE - In a classic novel from 1866, the murders of 2 women take place in this city

For the second straight game, everyone was incorrect on FJ. John dropped $7,600 to win with $24,800.

Triple Stumper of the day: In BEFORE & AFTER GOES TO THE MOVIES, no one put together a Jack London classic and a 1990 David Lynch film, "The Call of the Wild at Heart".

Judging the writers: In round one, they followed THE B_Gs category with HOW DEEP IS YOUR LOVE?, but they could have gone further, completing the board with MASSACHUSETTS, NIGHTS ON BROADWAY, TRAGEDY (a Shakespeare category) and YOU WIN AGAIN (about sports champions).

Correct Qs: DD1 - Who was Orwell? DD2 - Who are Québécois? DD3 - What is Habsburg? FJ - What is Saint Petersburg?

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