Monday, February 15, 2021

Jeopardy! recap for Mon., Feb. 15

 Here are today's contestants:

- Phil, a graduate student, dressed as a circus ringmaster;

- Karen, a chaplain, got lost on the NYC subway; and

- Lance, a Ph.D. student, made a Jack the Ripper website. Lance is a one-day champ with winnings of $19,600.

Lance had a big lead with $10,500 after round one, and no one could really get on a roll in DJ, so Lance was able to show the way into FJ at $10,900 vs. $7,100 for Phil and $4,800 for Karen.

DD1 - $800 - MICHAEL WROTE - "Dragon Teeth", published after his 2008 death, returned to the world of paleontology (Lance won $2,500 from his leading score of $5,600.)

DD2 - $1,200 - ALTERNATE ANTHEMS - Music critic Jody Rosen has suggested this Bill Withers hit about taking care of each other (Phil lost $4,500 from his total of $6,000 vs. $12,100 for Lance.)

DD3 - $2,000 - A PLACE LIKE RIVER HILL (place names with two geographic areas)- Valley Stream, New York is on Long Island, in this county whose name brings the West Indies to mind (Karen won $800 from her score of $2,800 vs. $12,100 for Lance.)

FJ - PLAYWRIGHTS - This late writer has had 10 plays on Broadway, most of them set in Pittsburgh like “Jitney”, which premiered in 2017

Phil and Karen were correct on FJ, with Phil adding $7,100 to win with $14,195.

Triple Stumpers of the day: No one recognized the tennis trophy named after its donor (the Davis Cup) or could name the state capital in the Sonoran Desert (Phoenix).

Judging the judges: "Bang" means to defeat? OK then, I guess you learn something new every day.

Correct Qs: DD1 - Who was Crichton? DD2 - What is "Lean on Me"? DD3 - What is Nassau County? FJ - Who was August Wilson?

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