Sunday, January 3, 2021

Totally Tunes: Dream a Little Dream

 I'm super asleep right now while typing this, so yeah I'd like to go on and dream a little. Sometimes the best ideas for articles come in a state where you've only slept for like two hours these past days and you're unsure if you'll get more hours of sleep later in the night. Anyways, thing is that artists tend to talk about dreams and dreaming pretty often, and this Totally Tunes is all about the dreams. Also, nap a little this afternoon, do it so I can live vicariously through your sleep.

Bless your lucky asleep whiskers, friendo! Via Pexels

As it's par for the course, we begin this article with the song that gave it its subtitle, in this case a classic 1931 tune that has been covered incountable times, and my neighbor for some reason plays it loudly EVERY. DAMN. DAY. in the most boring of all the versions. I love the Robbie Williams and Lily Allen version, so that's the one I'm putting here, but you can add your favorite cover in the comments.

It's been a surprising 14 years since Newton Faulkner released this adorable tune as the third single of his debut album. To me, it feels as if it was released yesterday, but it's most likely because it gets stuck in my head at least once a week, in the end everything becomes blurry that way.

Weezer has a nearly 6 minutes long song about dreaming, with all sorts of musical varieties in its extension, some real internal references, and it's just an overall fun tune (though its length can be grating if you've listened to the Red Album in repeat since release, like I have).

Ozzy Osbourne calls this emo musical equivalent of a handjob as his "version of John Lennon's Imagine". It is as cringey and hypocritical as the Lennon song, but at least this one hasn't been used for shitty ads, or covered by Gal Gadot and friends. 

To close, I'll add this magnificent My Chemical Romance song in where sleeping comes in a more apocalyptic, death-y context, but hey, it's the kind of sleep some folks would like to have, so it still counts, right? I need a nap.

What's your favorite song about dreams and sleeping? Do you feel you need a nap?

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