Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Jeopardy! recap for Wed., Dec. 16

 Let's meet today's contestants:

- Spencer, a graduate student and teacher, gets his friends lost on hikes;

- Rhonda, a retired educator, has an international collection of dolls; and

- Brayden, a policy intern, has over 15,000 baseball cards. Brayden is a one-day champ with winnings of $31,000.

Brayden once again found and scored on all three DDs in a most impressive performance, entering FJ with $31,800 vs, $7,400 for Spencer and $2,200 for Rhonda.

DD1 - $1,000 - U.S. FACT SHEET - This alliterative pine that needs lots of direct sunlight to grow is the state tree of Montana, the Big Sky State (Brayden won $2,000 on a true DD.)

DD2 - $1,200 - MINCED OATHS - This, also the surname of a prolific 19th c. British author, was sometimes substituted for "Devil" in oaths (Brayden won $5,000 from his total of $8,000 vs. $6,200 for Spencer.)

DD3 - $1,200 -  MEDICAL TERMS - Lithotripsy uses ultrasonic shock waves to break up these (Brayden won $2,000 from his score of $29,400 vs. $9,000 for Spencer.)

FJ - ROYALTY - In 1521 this monarch published the theological treatise "Defense of the Seven Sacraments"

Brayden and Rhonda were correct on FJ, with Brayden adding $3,200 to win with $35,000 for a two-day total of $66,000.

That's before our time: A clue's reference to a Hostess product being the "King of Cakes" and "at your door" didn't lead the players to Ding Dongs, which years ago were sold in TV ads by the animated character King Ding Dong.

Dictionary corner: As used in a category title, "minced" is defined as "to restrain (words) within the bounds of decorum". We more often hear it in terms of someone "not mincing words".

Correct Qs: DD1 - What is ponderosa pine? DD2 - Who is Dickens? DD3 - What are kidney stones? FJ - Who was Henry VIII?

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