Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Jeopardy! recap for Tue., Nov. 3

 Please welcome today's contestants:

- Devin, an academic coach, spent a day with the Stanley Cup;

- Fernanda, a business analyst, belongs to a community organization; and

- Carmela, a biotech researcher, didn't want to correct the teacher who misspelled her name. Carmela is a three-day champ with winnings of $55,401.

Carmela missed her DD opportunity in DJ while Devin scored on his, so Devin had the advantage going into FJ with $17,900 vs. $12,700 for Carmela and $400 for Fernanda.

DD1, $800 - RIVER DEEP, MOUNTAIN HIGH - The opening words to "America The Beautiful" were inspired by the view from this peak in the Rockies (Carmela won $2,700 from her score of $5,400 vs. $5,600 for Devin.)

DD2, $1,200 - COMPOUND WORDS - An old term for a jailer, in real estate it's a house that's move-in ready (Carmella lost $4,000 from her total of $9,100 vs. $7,600 for Devin.)

DD3 - $1,200 - BOOKS' SUBTITLES - Sort of Shakespearean fan fiction, Lisa Fiedler's novel "Dating Hamlet" is subtitled this woman's "Story" (Devin won $3,500 from his score of $16,000 vs. $9,500 for Carmela.)

FJ - AFRICA - After the removal of the dictator, in 2011 3 broad colored stripes & 2 white symbols were restored to this country's flag

​​Devin and Carmela were correct, with Devin adding $7,505 to win with $25,405. 

Wagering strategy: After getting a lecture from Alex about not betting "one penny" on yesterday's FJ, Carmela's wager of $11,899 on FJ today was so large that it gave her no chance to win if she missed. With a much smaller bet, Carmela could have won if Devin missed without having to be correct herself.

Old-timey pop culture problems: No one knew the Garry Trudeau comic strip that debuted in 1970, "Doonesbury", or the Arthur C. Clarke book sequel subtitled "Odyssey Two", "2010".

This day in Trebekistan: After introducing the FJ category, Alex helpfully pointed out that it's a "big continent", just in case we weren't sure about that.

Correct Qs: DD1 - What is Pikes Peak? DD2 - What is turnkey? DD3 - Who is Ophelia? FJ - What is Libya?

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