Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Jeopardy! recap for Nov. 24

 Please welcome today's contestants:

- Jennifer, a lawyer, pretty much lived the "Seinfeld" episode about the frozen yogurt;

- Matt, a director of programming, interviewed Kermit and Miss Piggy; and

- Henry, a software engineer, rented out the Rose Bowl every year. Henry is a one-day champ with winnings of $31,000.

Henry swept the DDs and was never seriously threatened, coasting into FJ with $25,400 vs. $9,600 for Matt and $8,800 for Jennifer.

DD1 - $200 - BODIES OF WATER - This mighty river rises in the Tibetan Plateau & empties into the South China Sea near Ho Chi Minh City (On the very first clue of the game, Henry won the window maximum of $1,000.)

DD2 - $1,600 - RELIGION - It's the religion promoted by the BJP, the world's largest political party (Henry won $4,000 from his total of $13,000 vs. $6,800 for Matt.)

DD3 - $2,000 - BOOKS & AUTHORS - His breakthrough bestseller was "All the Pretty Horses", a story of Texas cowboys in Mexico (Henry won $2,000 from his score of $20,600 vs. $6,800 for Matt.)

FJ - HISTORIC DOCUMENTS - One of the liberties listed in this: "No man shall be forced to perform more service for a knight's 'fee'...than is due from it"

Everyone was correct on FJ. Henry added $5,000 to win with $30,400 for a two-day total of $61,400.

Judging the writers: There was a Triple Stumper in the top row of a pop music category about "In My Feelings", a song from 2018. Based on the valuation, apparently the writers thought this would be more well-known to Jeopardy! contestants than "Crocodile Rock" and "Daydream Believer", songs they've probably heard about a billion times over the decades.

Shameless shilling: A category about allegedly "awesome" technology included a plug for a new version of Sony's PlayStation.

Correct Qs: DD1 - What is the Mekong? DD2 - What is Hinduism? DD3 - Who is McCarthy? FJ - What is the Magna Carta?

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