Monday, October 19, 2020

Jeopardy! recap for Mon., Oct. 19

 Here are today's contestants:

- Joe, an analyst, knows to stay hydrated at Oktoberfest;

- Nancy, a software engineer, is building a cateo; and

- Kristin, an attorney, is familiar with prison inspections. Kristin is a two-day champ with winnings of $8,000.

Nancy rallied to the lead deep into DJ, but then made a mistake and wound up in second going into FJ with $8,000 vs. $8,800 for Kristin and $3,200 for Joe.

DD1, $1,000 - MILITARY RANK LANGUAGE (words defined in the clues are also military ranks) - Of the human body (Joe won $1,000 from his score of $1,600.)

DD2, $1,200 - FIRST LADIES - As played by Sally Field, she laments that all people will remember is "I was crazy and ruined your happiness" (Kristin added $1,200 from her leading score of $4,400.)

DD3, $2,000 - PRIMATES - About 30,000 years old, this homo sapiens skull called this "1" was discovered in 1868 at the French site of the same name (Joe lost $3,200 on a true DD vs. $8,400 for Kristin.)

FJ - PHRASES FROM LITERATURE - This 2-word phrase in "The Arabian Nights" may have come from an herb bearing seed pods that burst when ripe

​​Everyone was correct on FJ. Kristin added $8,008 to win with $16,808 for a three-day total of $24,808.

Triple Stumper of the day: No one knew the military rank that also can mean "miscellaneous" is general.

That's before our time: The players were unfamiliar with "near the end of the alphabet letter" L.A. punk band featuring guitarist Billy Zoom,  X.

​Correct Qs: DD1 - What is corporal? DD2 - Who was Mary Todd Lincoln? DD3 - What is Cro-Magnon? FJ - What is open sesame?

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