Friday, September 11, 2020

Politics Corner, September 11th


"Lady Freedom" by skpy is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0 

Remember how difficult it was to get aid for first responders, the fire and police personnel who attempted to save lives on 9-11? Trump stole it. I'm not saying he put it in his pocket but he's making sure it doesn't go to suffering heroes. [New York Daily News]

I didn't expect this to be timely
photo mine
A potentially ineffective and maybe dangerous vaccine isn't the only shady shit in the works before the election. Watch your step. [Hartford Courant]

Here it's just a sunset
photo mine

It will get better
photo mine

Surprise! People who are undocumented are actually people! And they have to be counted as, get this, people! [NBC]

I hope
photo mine

Political discussion welcome.

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