Wednesday, September 9, 2020

ADverse: Souse Chef hates another one


How do I hate this? Oh so much. First of all the entire thing is filmed inside a giant Hershey's Kiss tin foil wrapper which gives an alien A Flock of Seagulls sheen to the whole thing.

Then we're supposed to focus on a couple reminiscing about their first kiss. This could be good if done right. It's not. He looks old enough to almost be her father and she looks like she could be in high school. Ew.

Get past that and it just gets worse. He says something good about their first kiss and she contradicts it. He says something else good about their first kiss and she contradicts that. Either she's a lying asshole or she's telling the truth and should not be smiling and should be trying to figure out how to get out of the giant Hershey's Kiss foil.

That's the only one in this series that has played in my market (that I know of) but it's not the only one that Hershey's has made. They've got another with a woman telling her friend about a first date that's sweet and charming and not creepy at all. I'm not sure it will sell waxy chocolate but it's better than the one that I keep seeing over and over.

What are you hating or loving in Advertising and Marketing? Tell me all about it in the comments.

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