Sunday, August 16, 2020

Totally Tunes: Hang the DJ

DJs! There's so many of them! No, really, like... Paris Hilton and Idris Elba are DJs apparently. It's not a surprise, then, that there are songs about DJs. Yes, this article today won't hover above those famous artists that record scratch and BASS DROP! the living shit outta songs, nor the Black Mirror episode of the same name as our article title (which was inspired on this Smiths track), but on artists and bands who used DJs and the DJ life as inspirations for some fantabulous tunes.


I'd like to begin with this fun track, that not only is about a DJ (a great one, to boot), but also kinda feels like listening to one of those DJ sets, y'know? If you're not in the genre per se everything sounds like EE EEEEEE and THE DRUMS THE DRUMS THE DRUMS. 

REM also had a really fun DJ-related tune a few years before the Ting Tings, which is also kind of apocalyptic, and gives us silly lines like "'cause if Heaven does exist with a kickin' playlist".

Before any of those, of course, we have Robbie Williams' classic, super-radio-friendly track, which is also very known for its then-ballsy music video:

AND BEFORE THAT (yeah, I'm rewinding the shit outta this article!) there's this fantastic Bowie song, which sort of predicted the rise of DJs we see nowadays, and I really enjoy his performance on the video.

Okay, going back to a more present-day kinda thing, I'll close with this fun Rihanna tune about that one goshdarn person on the dancefloor who keeps asking for Freebird or whatever.

As usual, let's wrap it up with the questions! What's your favorite song about DJs or the DJ lifestyle? Are you a fan of DJs?